Thursday, July 9, 2020

Cane Fighting – The French Gentleman’s Way

Also called “Canne de Combat,” this particular form of self-defense originated from the French. Understandably, it was first used by the upper class bracket average men who wanted to protect themselves while walking down the streets. Since canes were carried by practically every gentleman on those days, it made sense to use the ‘canne,’ as they called it, for more practical, defensive purposes.

Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay 

The Cane 

 For self-defense purposes, the cane doesn’t always have to be a cane. The techniques are the same, but farm men may use a ‘staff’ to do each defensive maneuver. For sport purposes, however, the cane is typically made from chestnut with a tapered bottom. Like with fencing, players of the sport are expected to wear protection during a fight. 

Aside from the basic cane, however, there are several variations to the weapon that’s been used overtime. There’s also the: 

• Double cane or the use of two sticks • Baton or the quarterstaff which is basically a longer version of the double cane • Cane chausson which is a cane form of martial art but with kicks taught to enhance each attack • Cane defense which only involves self defense moves using the staff 

Cane Fighting makes for an excellent long-range fighting technique that’s designed to work against someone who also carries a weapon.

Evolution to a Sport 

 Cane fighting’s transition as a self-defense to a sport happened with the arrival of Maurice Sarry who codified the martial-art form. Originally, each fight occurred inside a ring with players allowed to hold a cane and switch it from one hand to another, depending on the specific move they want to make. Unlike other stick fights, players aren’t allowed to thrust or jab with the canes but are limited to striking moves, either horizontally or downwards. 

It is interesting to note that when it comes to stick fighting, the martial art “boxing” is also referenced. This is because the gentlemen who first incorporated cane fighting were originally trained in Savate boxing. This is why cane fighting can also be traced to the French Savate Boxing Federation. 

Currently, cane fighting isn’t as popular as other forms of stick fighting. This might be due to the fact that carrying a ‘cane’ around is no longer the norm. However, should you find teachers willing to teach cane fighting, you’ll find that this is every bit as useful as other forms of self-defense which uses a staff or stick to defeat the opponent. Whether you’re carrying an ordinary stick, a staff, or a cane, the movements will still give the necessary results.